Horizon Crisis: Deep Freeze 

As Captain McCormick, commander of the Agnes 2319 Starship, you've just awoken from a deep cryo sleep. Mission command has sent you urgent instructions: act quickly to avoid the certain death that awaits, avoiding the intense grip of the ultimate master of space & time: the black hole.

Horizon Crisis: Deep Freeze is a sequel of our friend's jam submission, Horizon Crisis: Earth Command. Since the 2d Jam had a team size limit of 3, we split into two teams and built a pair of games.


WASD to move around, Q/E to interact/pickup items (you'll be prompted in game!)

Controllers are supported! If you have a controller plugged in, you can remap/test the controls at the main menu before playing the game.


Art, Music, SFX:

FlamingoSummer (flamingosummer.itch.io)


flyguy4247 (flyguy4247.itch.io)

Made for:

2D Game Jam - 2024

Fonts from: https://www.dafont.com/code2.font?l[]=10

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